Direct Mail Read & Print Technology: Personalized, Efficient

Direct Mail Read & Print Technology: Personalized, Efficient

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Direct mail programs that incorporate personalization experience a greater response rate from recipients by showing individuals how much your company values them. Personalized direct mail programs enhance your brand awareness and keep your customers connected to your activities and promotions. Read and print technology, such as barcode and RFID inlay insertion, is gaining popularity and replacing traditional direct mail methods.

Personalized Direct Mail with Read and Print Technology

When a customer receives an envelope with their name on the outside and something that interests them, companies create an engaging experience that drastically improves response rates. Read and print inserter technology allows organizations to personalize mail pieces efficiently and accurately to reach target audience groups.

Many direct-mail processes involve printing documents and envelopes in advance and then matching them together with a camera inspection system as they run through inserting equipment. This allows room for error as the system does not print based on the information scanned, it merely ensures that the documents match the envelopes. In the case of an equipment jam, operators can spend time reordering documents that may have been matched incorrectly.

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Read and Print Inserter Technology

Read and print inserter technology eliminates this problem as personalized information is read from the document triggering the printing of the corresponding address as the envelope exits the inserter. This read and print technology, also called read and write inserter, means mailers do not have to be addressed ahead of time so keeping them in order is not necessary. This technology saves companies money because they can purchase plain white envelopes and have personalized information printed on them quickly, they also save on labor as operators do not have to reorder documents that get out of sequence.

RFID Inlay Insertion: Integrated, Automated, Personalized Printing

RFID inlay insertion technology speeds up direct-mail outputs to efficiently create tailor-made mailings for recipients. The use of RFID labels and tags is expected to increase, according to a report by IDTechEx, with the main driver for growth being the capacity to provide fully personalized RFID labels and tags reliably and affordably. RFID tags and labels are used in many market applications such as transportation, manufacturing, security, leisure, and retail.

Tamarack® RFID Direct Mail Read & Print Technology

Equipment such as Tamarack’s® RFID inlay insertion equipment allows converters and printers to produce fully inlayed RFID tags and labels efficiently in a single pass. Tamarack® offers custom integrated solutions and integration with in-line inkjet label printers for high quality at high speed. Tamarack provided read and print technology to encode RFID tags during inlay insertion for Lake Image Systems, Inc., with fully integrated in-line and offline RFID inlay production modules.

Tamarack’s P500 and RFID products ensure real-time RFID reading in a single pass with in-line inkjet label printing. Automated camera verification and tracking allow for high-speed, high-quality, multilane RFID label and tag production. Tamarack offers custom, modular, and scalable in-line and offline web finishing equipment and solutions for packaging, business form, and label industries.

Tamarack® Products offers more than 50 years of experience as a leading global manufacturer of highly specialized, customized finishing and converting equipment. We offer solutions for in-line film, window patching, and RFID inlay read-write inserters. Contact us to learn more about integrating RFID inserting read and print technology for your personalized direct mail program.


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